A Final Note Before Camp

With our JLC camp only days away now, things are beginning to get really exciting. Here are just a few last things to note:

Monday information:

Please pack a separate recess and lunch in disposable bags, (i.e. paper bags), for Monday. We will collect these in boxes in our classrooms first thing on Monday morning as we would if we were going on a regular excursion. Your child will also need a full drink bottle of water. They will be able to refill this as often as needed when we are at camp.

Please ensure your child’s bag is as small as possible so that we can fit everything on the bus, (i.e. no giant suitcases please, unless sleeping bag and pillow can all fit inside).

Many of you have already returned the medical form inside the zip-lock bag—thank you! Any medication needs to be brought along on Monday morning and handed directly to Mrs. Francis who will be expecting to tick everyone off.  She will be our camp ‘doctor’.

What will be happening:

We have spent lots of time talking about what will happen at camp, where we will do our different activities and who will be working with us. The students know that they will be grouped in cabins and grouped in different ways for some of our activities. They know that this is a fabulous way to interact and cooperate with one another and that they will have lots of new and different opportunities to get to know one another even more.

Cabin companions:

There has been lots of curiosity and concern about who will be in cabins together. We will let the students know this on Monday morning but have reassured them that we have worked hard to ensure that they will be with friends so that they feel safe and have fun!

What we will eat:

Yesterday Mr. Eckermann told everyone what the menu will be for our camp. Your child does not need to eat everything that will be provided but we are encouraging them to give everything a try. There will be plenty to eat and we have no doubt that everyone will be very hungry after all of the busy activities which are planned.

Toileting overnight:

We have explained to all of our students that the adults with us will definitely be available to support them during the night if they need to go to the toilet or have any other concerns. We have let them know that any toileting accidents will be discretely and easily sorted. We’ve also had lots of chats about treating each other with respect and kindness at all times.


While there are showers at the campsite, our students will not be showering unless necessary.

What to wear each day next week:

Monday and Tuesday: comfortable and practical casual clothes, including school hat

Wednesday: sport uniform (our sport lessons will be on Wednesday instead of Tuesday)

Thursday: formal uniform

Friday: sport uniform

Please feel free to email us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.



Grandparents and Special Friends – We need your help!

Grandparents and Special Friends Day is not going ahead this year, but that does not mean that we are not thinking of them.  We are hoping to have all of our students write a letter to a Grandparent or Special Friend in the coming weeks. We would love to send the letters through the mail, so we need your help!

Please provide the postal address of a Grandparent or Special Friend to your child’s teacher, either by email or a note. We hope to write our letters in the middle of November, so if we can have an address by November 15th, that would be appreciated. Thank you.

Welcome to Term 4!

Hi everyone,

We hope you have been able to have some relaxing and special family time during the school break and that your children are energised and ready for another term of learning and fun.  We are excited to see everyone again and we have lots of wonderful and exciting things planned.  Here are a few dates for your diary:

Week 3 (Friday): JLC S Chapel

Week 4 (Monday 1st – Tuesday 2nd November): JLC Aldinga Beach Camp. You will receive more information about our camp in the next few days.

Week 8 (Friday): JLCE Chapel

Week 9 (Wednesday 8th December): Last Day of School and Closing Service

For Year 3 students, NAPLAN results will be coming home this week.  Please remember this is a very small snapshot of learning and it also took place a number of months ago.  Feel free to arrange a time to chat with us about the results if you would like to.

We look forward to another fantastic term together!

God bless,

Jen & Daniel